Our Services

General Consultations


We see and treat all non-life threatening illnesses & injuries as well as some urgent cases. In addition, we facilitate medicals for a range of certificates including Driving, Back-to-School, Immigration, Tertiary Education (BCC, UWI, SJPI), Police, Food Handler’s, etc.

Virtual Consultations


Can’t make it in to the clinic? No problem! We also offer virtual consultations for some minor conditions and follow ups. All you need is a laptop, tablet or smart phone to access our virtual waiting room no matter where you are.

N.B All appointments for virtual consultations MUST be briefly discussed with the doctor prior to confirmation. This is to ensure that the medical issue is addressed appropriately as some conditions can only be managed in-office.

Home Visits


Home visits are offered by appointment only to our elderly and those who may have difficulty moving around. Same day appointments are only accepted for an urgency/emergency where the patient has difficulty getting to an emergency medical facility quickly.

Management of Chronic Diseases


Persons who have Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes, Asthma or any other medical condition that requires routine follow up can be managed at our clinic.

Rapid Testing


We offer the following rapid tests at our clinic:

  • Lipid profiles

  • HbA1c

  • STI tests (HIV, Herpes 1&2, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia)

Please note that the results of these tests will be made available on the same day unless otherwise specified.

Other Services


If there are any other services that you may be interested in, please call our office to see if we may be able to assist you.